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Talent Acquisition: 5 Challenges and Risks to Look Out For

Inquiro Posted on December 1, 2024

Companies widely recognize the value of their employees as their greatest assets, leading to intense competition in attracting and retaining the best talents. To address this, many organizations have adopted talent acquisition strategies. 


If you’re new to the job market, you may wonder: what is talent acquisition? It involves sourcing and hiring top-quality candidates for specific job positions within a company. A strong talent acquisition strategy fosters a productive, engaged, and motivated workforce, driving profitability and growth. 


However, like any other business strategy, talent acquisition carries its own set of challenges and risks. This blog delves into the challenges and risks that company leaders should know about talent acquisition.



What is Talent Acquisition?


Talent acquisition is the process of sourcing and hiring exceptional candidates for specific job positions within a company. It involves analyzing long-term talent needs based on business goals, making the talent management process more intentional and efficient. 


A robust talent acquisition strategy focuses on hiring individuals with desired skills and alignment with career paths. Companies prioritize attracting candidates with potential for management roles or significant organizational contributions. It sets talent acquisition apart from traditional recruitment, emphasizing quick job filling rather than long-term growth and development. 



Challenges of Talent Acquisition

Many companies recognize the importance of attracting and retaining top talent, but it’s not without challenges. Here are some roadblocks you may encounter when implementing a talent acquisition strategy.


1. Limited talent pool 

Talent acquisition places a greater emphasis on securing highly qualified candidates rather than rushing to fill vacancies. However, intense competition in the industry can pose challenges when offering competitive salaries and benefits. A limited talent pool may also require broadening the search criteria, which can lead to the consideration of unqualified candidates. 


2. Inefficient recruitment process 

A poor recruitment process can hurt your employer’s branding and make it hard to attract top talent. For instance, posting job ads on every job search website is insufficient. You must ensure they work and reach the right people. Moreover, you need clear job descriptions, simple screening and interviewing processes, and open communication with candidates to make them want to join your company.


3. Lack of diversity and inclusion 

A 2021 survey found that nearly  seek companies prioritizing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). However, some companies still lack a comprehensive DEI program, which can significantly impact their recruitment process. 


This oversight may unintentionally exclude qualified candidates from underrepresented groups, resulting in a less diverse workforce. Moreover, limited perspectives and ideas within the company can hinder innovation and creativity.


4. Increased or controlled costs

According to a 2022 study, the average cost per hire is nearly $4,700 or ₱259,630. However, pressure from upper management to keep costs low prevents hiring managers from recruiting high-quality talent. 


Talent acquisition often leads to a situation where recruitment costs receive undue attention, overshadowing other crucial expenses, like the detrimental impact of leaving a position unfilled for a long time.


5. Slow and multiple selection process stages

Extended selection processes or excessive steps and interviews can lead to job seekers feeling discouraged or losing interest in a company. This, in turn, results in organizations losing out on potential talent, prolonging the recruitment period, and generating more costs. There’s also a risk of employee burnout when existing staff shoulder the responsibilities of vacant positions for an extended period.



Risks of Talent Acquisition


Talent acquisition often comes with many risks, especially when left unorganized. Below are some risks you should anticipate before attracting and hiring employees in the long run.


1. Overlooking employee fraud 

Without an organized talent acquisition strategy, there’s a risk of unknowingly hiring individuals with a history of fraudulent behavior. It can result in significant financial losses, reputational damage, and potential legal liabilities. To avoid these problems, prioritize due diligence in your hiring process. Verify your candidate’s education and employment history and check references.


2. False credentials 

An ineffective talent acquisition process may leave room for candidates to provide inaccurate or fabricated information about their backgrounds and qualifications. 


It can lead to the unfortunate scenario of hiring the wrong candidate, resulting in wasted time and resources for the company. To mitigate this risk, leveraging talent acquisition technologies can prove invaluable. 


For instance, Inquiro offers targeting APIs that enable you to efficiently search and identify potential candidates with specific skills or experience. This targeted approach helps streamline the candidate selection process and facilitates quicker and more reliable background verification.


3. Security breaches

If you keep candidate data in an unorganized and unprotected database, you risk giving identity thieves and cybercriminals unauthorized access to confidential information. To avoid this problem, use secure online application platforms and encrypt and limit access to candidate data. Moreover, monitor and audit your recruitment process to identify and address potential security vulnerabilities.


4. Untrained interviewers

Interviewers play a crucial role in the hiring process. An untrained one may be unable to properly evaluate a candidate’s qualifications, skills, and cultural fit. They may also ask inappropriate or illegal questions, which can result in legal issues for your company. As such, train and guide interviewers to ensure they conduct interviews professionally and effectively.


5. Non-compliance with laws and regulations

Hiring managers must comply with specific rules and regulations to avoid legal problems. You must strictly adhere to laws about equal employment opportunity and data privacy to prevent costly fines, lawsuits, and reputational damage. 


Take the time to familiarize yourself with local labor laws and regulations to ensure proper and compliant hiring practices, safeguarding your company from penalties associated with recruitment and employment mistakes.  



Create a Strong Data-Driven Talent Acquisition Strategy

Effective talent acquisition plays a crucial role in building a strong workforce, yet it’s not without its challenges and risks. Identifying and addressing these obstacles can improve talent acquisition strategies and attract high-caliber candidates while minimizing potential risks. 


If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to approach tech experts like Inquiro. Our business intelligence-powered products enable companies to automate processes, develop data-driven strategies, and foster sustainable growth. Contact us today to get started with delivering a consistent customer experience.





How does talent acquisition work? 

Talent acquisition involves sourcing, interviewing, cross-checking, and onboarding skilled talent to meet organizational needs. An effective strategy focuses on identifying and engaging the right candidates, leveraging technology, and developing a strong employer brand. 


Is talent acquisition hard? 

Yes, talent acquisition can present challenges influenced by limited talent pools, competition from other companies, and a lack of diversity and inclusion. The complexity of the recruitment process and the need to balance competing pressures from leadership also contribute to the challenge of talent acquisition.


Which is better: talent acquisition or recruitment?

Recruitment fills immediate job openings, while talent acquisition takes a strategic approach to identify and engage top talent for future roles. Balancing both is crucial for building a strong workforce with a steady pipeline of qualified candidates.