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What is Behavioral Targeting and Why It Matters

Inquiro Posted on July 25, 2023

Customers crave personalized experiences that cater to their unique needs and preferences. As a business owner, you must prioritize acknowledging and valuing your customers. The significance of curated experiences can’t be overstated, as research has revealed that 61% of customers are willing to switch to a competitor after encountering a single negative experience.


Because of this, businesses are doing their best to provide personalized experiences that align with customer interests and needs, connecting with their target audience effectively. One such strategy is behavioral targeting.


Understanding the concept of behavioral targeting and its relevance in digital advertising can empower you to deliver curated and relevant experiences to your potential customers.


In this blog post, you’ll learn the concept of behavioral targeting in digital advertising. Discover how it enables businesses to create targeted campaigns that resonate with their audience.


What is Behavioral Targeting?


Behavioral targeting in digital advertising involves delivering personalized and relevant content based on individuals’ online behavior, preferences, and interests. By understanding how people interact with websites and engage with online content, you can create targeted campaigns that align with your needs and desires.


Behavioral targeting enhances customer engagement and increases the likelihood of conversions, ultimately driving business growth and success in the competitive digital landscape.


What are the Benefits of Behavioral Targeting?


Behavioral targeting is rooted in our data-driven environment today, but you must remember that it’s not just about technology and numbers. Targeting based on behavior brings benefits to both customers and advertising. Here are some advantages of this strategy.

1. Higher on-site engagement 

Behavioral targeting strategy re-engages with visitors who may have left your site without completing a desired action. It allows you to gather valuable insights about your visitors’ on-site journey, including their interests and the products or services they showed interest in but didn’t convert.

With behavioral targeting, you have the power to forge deep connections and increase your chances of converting these potential customers into loyal advocates of your brand.

2. Increase in click-through rates

This approach allows you to effectively identify audiences that interact with specific products or touchpoints. Furthermore, it lets you pinpoint customers exhibiting the ideal behavior or moment for a particular campaign.


Avoid targeting users who don’t have behavioral intent or brand awareness, as this would restrict engagement levels. Instead, leveraging behavioral targeting allows you to boost key metrics such as clicks and conversions.

3. Higher sales 

Achieving optimal return on investment (ROI) is a common goal for businesses. To accomplish this, you must deliver ads that align with your audience’s previous behavior rather than generic ones. Personalization is a game-changer for businesses, as companies experiencing rapid growth derive 40% more revenue from personalized strategies compared to slower-growing counterparts.


Behavioral targeting tailors your advertising efforts based on consumer behavior. This approach greatly increases new customers, repeat business, engagement levels, and other essential metrics.

4. Improved ad experience

Consumers value personalized advertising as it enhances their overall experience, despite concerns about data privacy.


By tailoring ads to individual interests, you can create more engaging interactions and build stronger connections with your target audience. This shift towards personalization benefits consumers by delivering relevant content and fosters a positive brand perception, resulting in better customer outcomes.

5. Enduring relationships

Behavioral targeting engages different visitor segments effectively. You can provide a sneak peek and invite them to subscribe. It fosters trust and expands your lead generation efforts, attracting more visitors to your brand.


How to Implement Behavioral Targeting


Evolving regulations and privacy concerns have changed the game for marketers. As third-party data becomes obsolete, marketers must adapt strategies for personalized experiences while prioritizing user privacy.

1. Collect user behavior data

Collecting user behavior data is essential because it offers useful insights into how users interact with your website or platform. It helps you understand user preferences, interests, and needs, forming the foundation for effective targeting and personalization.


For example, an e-commerce website tracks the products viewed and added to the cart by each user, creating a comprehensive dataset of their browsing patterns.

2. Analyze and segment data

This step allows you to identify distinct groups within your user base. Segmentation enhances personalized marketing strategies by tailoring content, messaging, and offers to specific audience segments, increasing campaign relevance and effectiveness.


For instance, a travel agency analyzes user behavior data to identify segments interested in beach vacations, adventure trips, or city tours.

3. Develop personalized content and messaging

Delivering relevant and tailored experiences captivates users, builds rapport, and enhances their overall experience, increasing engagement and conversions. For example, an online fashion retailer can tailor customer recommendations based on their browsing history and previous purchases.

4. Execute targeted campaigns

Comprehending how consumers interact with your website or platform is crucial for tailoring your marketing efforts to their preferences and needs. It maximizes the impact of your campaigns and enhances the overall customer experience.


Imagine a fitness app running a campaign offering a personalized workout plan to users who have shown an interest in weight loss.


One way to ensure targeted campaigns across all platforms is to utilize Application Programming Interface (API). APIs are used to integrate advertising platforms, content management systems, and customer relationship management tools. This integration allows automatic and real-time delivery of personalized ads based on user behavior and preferences.

5. Evaluate campaign performance and make data-driven optimizations

You must analyze key metrics to understand campaign effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. By gaining insights from data, you can make informed decisions, optimize future campaigns, and align marketing efforts with user behavior and market trends. Continuous optimization based on data analysis ensures that marketing efforts yield better results over time.


The Power of Behavioral Targeting for Marketing Success


Behavioral targeting has emerged as a powerful tool in online marketing, allowing businesses to deliver personalized and relevant experiences to their target audience. Collecting and analyzing user behavior data can teach you more about customer preferences and needs, leading to more effective and targeted marketing campaigns.


You should stay updated on evolving tracking methods and technologies to guarantee the continued success of behavioral targeting strategies.


If you’re looking for a professional that can help you maximize the potential of behavioral targeting, Inquiro offers a comprehensive user-data platform to help you understand your consumers better. Contact us today and curate your marketing efforts toward excellence.


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